author >> Robert R Fenn
We all know that it is smart work and not hard work that makes the difference between success and failure today. A Christian entrepreneur should evaluate this very carefully and see if he is or not. What is smart work verses hard work?
Smart work does the same kind of hard work with less time and energy. Hard work mostly is routine time consuming and repetitive. It usually brings the same kind of result every time. Successful person looks for increased productivity with the same resources he has. Only smart work can deliver that and not hard work.
The bible says fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Fearing God brings you into a relationship of humility before God. Then God gets involved in your life more intimately. God wants to impart wisdom (smart work) to you. For a Christian entrepreneur wisdom comes out of wise decisions. You can only make decisions when you have a vast store house of knowledge about your industry and market.
Smart work requires (1) mental alertness and (2) calculation and (3) resourcefulness.
1. Mental Alertness
Smart work is not a sneaky way of doing things as some think. This actually requires an alert mind. This is something that is not required if you are a routine assembly line worker (not that all of them do not have an alert mind). The alert mind here refers to looking for smart ideas specifically to run your business. An employee hardly thinks about ideas to promote business.
Mental alertness looks for new ideas, keeps ears and eyes open, for anything interesting and useful. Keeps gathering information and out of this granary of knowledge he can make sound judgment. A Christian entrepreneur must keep his mind alert by constantly learning new information.
2. Calculation
The second important factor is calculation. Calculation is the ability of the mind to juggle different possibilities with the intent to profit or loss. The mind quickly calculates the risks and expenses compared to income and profits.
It also takes into account time factor and calculates with time and effort to see if it is possible and probable. A Christian entrepreneur should develop smart mental faculties to deal with simple arithmetic.
3. Resourcefulness
If you use time, money and labor at hand wisely and efficiently then you are a resourceful person. People can waste all these resources and pay for it dearly. Every one of these components is important if you want to succeed.
A Christian entrepreneur should develop these resources by learning from different sources. You need to be diligent in applying these resources of money, time and labor. You cannot slack in your calculation of these resources. You cannot calculate and use these resources wisely unless you have a mental alertness. A Christian entrepreneur is capable of all these 3 things.
The fear of the Lord will bring wisdom. Wisdom needs a good base of knowledge to operate. Your decision as to how you will conduct your business depends on your wisdom. This wisdom works on a great knowledge base of necessary information.
Today things change constantly and new innovations are in the market almost every day. It is going to be a little overwhelming to find the smartest way to do business. So, keep your knowledge base up to date to make smart decisions. A Christian entrepreneur should be a student always.
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